No Other Land
Palestine, Norway
Basel, a young Palestinian activist on the West Bank, has been fighting the mass expulsion of his community by the Israeli authorities since childhood. He documents the slow-motion eradication of the villages where soldiers deployed by the Israeli government are demolishing houses and driving out their residents.
French Premiere
Followed by a discussion with Basel Adra, Yuval Abraham, and Charlotte Schwarzinger and Marion Slitine, teacher-researchers at EHESS, who are working on Palestinian art and cinema d’auteur, and the way in which artistic practices reformulate the “sites of the political” in a context of protest mobilisations.
Production :
Yabayay / Antipode Films
Yabayay / Antipode Films
International Sales :
Autlook Filmsales
Autlook Filmsales
Photography :
Rachel Szor
Rachel Szor
Sound :
Bård Harazi Farbu
Bård Harazi Farbu
Editing :
Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor
Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor
Music :
Julius Pollux Rothlaender
Julius Pollux Rothlaender
Copy Contact :
Autlook Filmsales -
Autlook Filmsales -