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Alla Kovgan
David Hinton
2008 United Kingdom; Mozambique; United States 35 minutes English

Nora reconstitutes, in the form of a ballet, the life of the dancer Nora Chipaumire, born in Zimbabwe and now settled in New York. The choreography is by Nora Chipaumire herself and the music was specially composed by one of the legendary figures of Zimbabwean music, Thomas Mapfumo. But Nora is much more than a filmed ballet, much more than a biography. It is a complete work of art filmed in southern Africa, with professional and non-professional dancers, blending into the spaces, the scenes, expressions, integrating the cinematic editing, and in which the dancer’s own struggle for emancipation runs in parallel to the struggle for Rhodesia’s independence. (Yann Lardeau)

Alla Kovgan

Alla Kovgan est née à Moscou et vit à Boston. Elle a collaboré a des performances interdisciplinaires , des films chorégraphiques, et des documentaires sur la danse comme Movement (R)evolution Africa avec Joan Frosch. Elle est également programmatrice, entre autre pour le festival du film de dance de Saint Petersbourg.
David Hinton a réalisé de nombreux documentaires pour la télévision britannique, sur Bernardo Bertolucci, Francis Bacon, Dostoïevski entre autres, mais aussi Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men et Strange Fish, deux adaptations cinématographique de chorégraphies de la compagnie anglaise DV8. Il travaille régulièrement avec des chorégraphes sur des spectacles filmés.

Alla Kovgan is a Boston-based filmmaker, born in Moscow (Russia). Her films and films that she co-directed have been presented worldwide including at the Sundance Film Festival, Lincoln Center, Montreal Film Festival, ZDF (Germany) and numerous others. The two latest documentaries that she co-directed “Traces of the Trade” and “Russia’s Pepsi Generation” will appear on PBS P.O.V in 2008 and 2010. Since 1999, Alla has been involved with interdisciplinary collaborations – creating intermedia performances (with KINODANCE Company), dance films (with Alissa Cardone, Victoria Marks, Nicola Hawkins), and documentaries about dance such as “Movement (R)evolution Africa” together with Joan Frosch. Alla’s projects have been supported by Open Society Institute, LEF Foundation, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Bank of America Celebrity Series, among others. Since 2000, she has taught and curated dance film/avant-garde cinema worldwide and she acts as a Curator of St. Petersburg Dance Film Festival KINODANCE (Russia) and as a co-Curator of Balagan Film Series (Boston).

David Hinton

Alla Kovgan est née à Moscou et vit à Boston. Elle a collaboré a des performances interdisciplinaires , des films chorégraphiques, et des documentaires sur la danse comme Movement (R)evolution Africa avec Joan Frosch. Elle est également programmatrice, entre autre pour le festival du film de dance de Saint Petersbourg.
David Hinton a réalisé de nombreux documentaires pour la télévision britannique, sur Bernardo Bertolucci, Francis Bacon, Dostoïevski entre autres, mais aussi Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men et Strange Fish, deux adaptations cinématographique de chorégraphies de la compagnie anglaise DV8. Il travaille régulièrement avec des chorégraphes sur des spectacles filmés.

Alla Kovgan is a Boston-based filmmaker, born in Moscow (Russia). Her films and films that she co-directed have been presented worldwide including at the Sundance Film Festival, Lincoln Center, Montreal Film Festival, ZDF (Germany) and numerous others. The two latest documentaries that she co-directed “Traces of the Trade” and “Russia’s Pepsi Generation” will appear on PBS P.O.V in 2008 and 2010. Since 1999, Alla has been involved with interdisciplinary collaborations – creating intermedia performances (with KINODANCE Company), dance films (with Alissa Cardone, Victoria Marks, Nicola Hawkins), and documentaries about dance such as “Movement (R)evolution Africa” together with Joan Frosch. Alla’s projects have been supported by Open Society Institute, LEF Foundation, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Bank of America Celebrity Series, among others. Since 2000, she has taught and curated dance film/avant-garde cinema worldwide and she acts as a Curator of St. Petersburg Dance Film Festival KINODANCE (Russia) and as a co-Curator of Balagan Film Series (Boston).

Production :
Joan Frosch
Editing :
Alla Kovgan
Photography :
Mkrtich Malkhasyan

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