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O Cinema, Manoel de Oliveira e Eu

The Cinema, Manoel de Oliveira and Me
João Botelho
2016 Portugal 81 minutes Portuguese

“An old photograph taken thirty-six years ago. His hand rests on my shoulder. A blessing, a gift. Then a history of over four decades of friendship, admiration and apprenticeship. A journey into Oliveira’s cinema, his method, his way of filming and his extraordinary cinematographic inventions. He lived for over a century, over a century of cinema, cinema in its entirety.”

João Botelho

Cinéaste portugais né en 1949. A réalisé, entre autres :

Conversa acabada, 1981 – Un adieu portugais, 1985 – Este Tempo (1988), Aqui, naTerra, 1993, Treis Palmeiras, 1994 – Trafico, 1998 – Viagem ao Coração do Douro, a Terra Onde Nasci/iW>, 2002 – A Mulher que Acreditava Ser Presidente Dos EUA, 2003 – A Luz na Ria Formosa, 2005 – O Fatalista, 2006

En 2003, son long-métrage La Femme qui croyait être Président des Etats-Unis est présenté en ouverture de la Quinzaine des réalisateurs à Cannes. de Diderot avec Le Fataliste.

Production :
Alexandre Oliveira
Distribution :
Rui Mendes; Margarida Moz
Editing :
João Braz
Sound :
Paulo Abelho
Photography :
João Ribeiro

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