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Franssou Prenant
1975 France 25 min Language: French
©Franssou Prenant
©Franssou Prenant

A wealthy man falls in love with a transvestite stripper and gives her the wherewithal to fulfil her dreams; she invents stories with her transvestite friends; the story with the rich guy ends badly and she goes back to work on the streets (with no regrets). (F.P.)

Cast :
Marie France, Hélène Hazéra, Alain Aptekman, Jacques Kebadian
Production :
Photography :
Elèves de la 28e promotion de l’IDHEC
Sound :
Elèves de la 28e promotion de l’IDHEC
Editing :
Elèves de la 28e promotion de l’IDHEC
Print source :
L'agence du court métrage -