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Ra’lhato Al Janna

An Odour of Paradise
Omar Amiralay
1982 Syria 42 minutes French voice over

Summer 1982. Beirut, two months after the launch of the operation, Peace in Galilee. The Israeli army has invaded Lebanon and is bombarding Beirut to drive out the Palestinians, the “terrorists”. In a city torn apart by explosions and air strikes, the television announces the bombings and records the politicians’ declarations. Walid Jumblatt announces the eventual trengthening of the right. Bachir Gemayel offers violent injunctions. Michel Edde, the minister of Information, looks at how the entente between Jews and Muslims has changed over time. In the Christian districts, life continues in a comfortable normality. In West Beirut, Palestinian refugees talk about their wanderings and their grief. Lebanese and Palestinians, civilians and combatants alike, tell of a city that is disappearing, far from the slogans and the extremists’ gesticulations. On 15th July 1982, on the eve of the PLO’s departure, Arafat announces that his soldiers are in excellent spirits and smell “like the perfume of paradise”.

Omar Amiralay

Né à Damas en 1944, décédé à Damas en 2011.
De 1965 à 1970, formation dans le théâtre et le cinéma à Paris. De 1970 à 1980, il réalise en Syrie un Film-essai sur l’Euphrate, La vie quotidienne dans un village syrien, Les poules, A propos d’une révolution. Depuis 1981, il tourne pour les chaînes de télévision françaises les films suivants : Le malheur des uns…, Benazir Bhutto La Sept, Un parfum de paradis, Le sarcophage de l’amour,Vidéo sur sable, L’ennemi intime, La dame de Shibam (TF1), A l’attention de Madame le Premier Ministre (TF1 – La Sept). Il retourne par la suite travailler en Syrie.

Production :
FR3; Télévision libanaise
Editing :
Photography :
Etienne Grammont

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