Terla ta nou (Cette terre nous appartient)
It is the last occupied roundabout in France, in the south of the island of Reunion, it is occupied by a community of activists. Surrounded by the incessant flow of cars, they debate ecology, the decolonial question and act for sovereignty and food autonomy.
World Premiere
Production company or Self-production :
En Quête Prod
En Quête Prod
Photography :
Cécile Laveissière, Jean-Marie Pernelle, Natacha Issenbeck, Maniel Nativel
Cécile Laveissière, Jean-Marie Pernelle, Natacha Issenbeck, Maniel Nativel
Sound :
Cécile Laveissière, Jean-Marie Pernelle, Julien Gebrael
Cécile Laveissière, Jean-Marie Pernelle, Julien Gebrael
Editing :
Daniela De Felice
Daniela De Felice
Copy Contact :
En Quête Prod - contact@enqueteprod.com
En Quête Prod - contact@enqueteprod.com