The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
France, Germany, Finland, Israel
What is the meaning of military occupation? Through the testimonies of the soldiers who implemented it, director Avi Mograbi provides insights on how a colonialist occupation works and the logic at work behind those practices. Using the 54-year Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip the director draws us a “Manual for Military Occupation”.
Production :
Les Films d'Ici
Les Films d'Ici
Photography :
Philippe Bellaïche, Tulik Galon
Philippe Bellaïche, Tulik Galon
Sound :
Avi Mograbi, Joonas Jyrälä, Dominique Vieillard
Avi Mograbi, Joonas Jyrälä, Dominique Vieillard
Editing :
Avi Mograbi
Avi Mograbi
Copy Contact :
Les Films d'Ici -
Les Films d'Ici -