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Vivre après – Paroles de femmes

Laurent Bécue-Renard
2000 France 82 minutes bosniac

Survive? But how, without a husband, without a father, without sons, brothers, cousins, all the dozens of men in your family? How to survive when your world has fallen apart? When your house, your land, your village, your country have been swept away by war? When life itself seems to have come to a standstill? Since the atrocities committed by the Serb Chetniks, between 1992 and 1995, from Zvornik to Foca, from Prijedor to Srebrenica, countless Bosnian women and children have been asking themselves these questions. In Tuzla, so close to the scene of these atrocities, fifteen of them leave the refugee camps every year in search of a meaning, in search of their life. Aided by psychotherapists from the association Vive Zene, they spend a year trying to express their pain. This is the chronicle of Sedina, Jasmina and Senada, three young such women. Four seasons of mourning, life and love.

Laurent Bécue-Renard

Né en 1966 à Paris, diplômé de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, ancien élève de l’ESSEC, chercheur-boursier Fulbright à Columbia University (New York).

Il a été à Sarajevo rédacteur-en-chef du magazine Sarajevo OnLine, diffusé sur internet, durant la dernière année de la guerre en Bosnie. Auteur de Chroniques de Sarajevo, recueil de nouvelles diffusées en anglais sur le site internet Sarajevo OnLine (1995-96).

Production :
Canal +; Kuiv Productions
Editing :
C. Boigeol
Photography :
Camille Cottagnoud; Renaud Personnaz; Fikreta Ahmetovic

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