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Vredens barn

Mikael Wiström
1996 Sweden 96 minutes Spanish; Swedish

Juan Ruz, a 23 year-old immigrant recently at odds with the law, finds himself entrusted with a camera from a television station, with the mission of conducting an inquiry into teenagers in difficulty in contemporary Sweden. In the Stockholm suburbs, he meets a 16-year old teenage girl who has abandoned school and lives with her drug-addicted mother. She finds no consolation from her out-of-work; racist boyfriend. In Malmö he becomes involved with a Uruguayan who has settled in Sweden with her three children. She finds the future in her adopted country so worrying that her one hope is now to return home. An alarming awareness that the famous ‘Swedish model’ of the welfare state is disappearing under the onslaught of political choices and budget cutbacks, as is the case throughout Western-Europe.

Mikael Wiström

Né en 1950. Journaliste et photographe, diplômé de l’institut d’art dramatique suédois, il travaille comme monteur, producteur, auteur, réalisateur et enseignant. Il a publié plusieurs livres de photographies et réalisé :

Mjuklandning av en fabriksarbetare (Débarquement d’un ouvrier), 1982 – Närkampen (Le Combat), 1985 – Exil, 1989 – Brev till paradiset (Lettre au Paradis) (Fiction), 1989 – Nattens mödrar (Mères de la nuit) (série), 1989-90 – Land i sikte (Terre en vue) (série), 1989-90 – Ingen mans land (No man’s land) (série), 1989-90 – Främlingar kommer till byn (Des étrangers arrivent en ville) (série), 1989-90 – Den andra stranden (L’autre rive), 1992 – Vredens barn, 1996 – Compadre, 2004

Production :
SVT Sveriges Television; Månharen Film & TV
Distribution :
Folkets Bio
Editing :
Annika Geijerstam
Sound :
Mikael Wiström
Photography :
Staffan Lindqvist