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“Zorro’s Bar Mitzva” – International Festival

Ruth Beckermann’s film “Zorro’s Bar Mitzva (Zorros Bar Mizwa)”, International Competition Cinéma du Réel 2006, was programmed at the Cinéma des Cinéastes in Paris on March 11th 2007. It was selected to The Viennale, Austria, October 13th to 25th 2006. It is also programmed by the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme, Paris, France, as …

“A Teenager from Afar” – Festivals, TV Broadcasting

Didier Cros’ film “A Teenager from Afar” (Ado d’ailleurs), French selection 2006, was programmed to Romadocfest, Roma, Italy, May 25th – June 2nd 2007 where it received a special mention, to the Human Rights Documentary Film Days, Kiev, Ukraine, April 14th – 20th 2007, to the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, Geneva, …

“Notes from a Kurdish Rebel” – TV broadcasting, International Festivals

Stefano Savona’s film “Notes from a Kurdish Rebel”, International Compétition Cinéma du Réel 2006, Scam International Prize, special mention to the Young Jury Award-Cinéma du Réel 2006, is selected to the Festival du Cinéma Kurde de Paris, France, October 24th – 30th 2007. It was broadcasted on Arte on October 2nd 2006. It was shown …

“The Weight of Snow” – Festivals

Xavier Dancausse’s “The Weight of Snow”, French Selection Cinéma du Réel 2006, is programmed by Documentaire sur grand écran at the Institut Polonais on March 29th at 8.00pm. _It has been screened on November 10th and 18th as part of the Festival Documentaire de la Maison de la Culture du Japon in Paris, France. It …

“Closing Your Eyes” – International Festivals

Robin Hunzinger’s film “Closing Your Eyes”, French selection Cinéma du Réel 2006 is programmed to Cork Film festival, Ireland, October 9th to 15th 2006, to Beirut Docudays Festival, Liban, November 3rd to 11th 2006, to Brussels Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen , Belgium, November 23rd-december 2nd 2006, to Brussels Festival Libertés, Belgium, November 9-19 2006. It …

“News from Home / News from House” – International Festivals, Theatrical Release

Amos Gitaï’s film “News from Home / News from House”, Cinéma du Réel Non Competitive programme 2006, was shown at the Kortfilm Festivalen, Grimstad, Norway, june 2006. It is programmed at the Viennale, Austria, October 13-25 2006, at the 28th Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Montpellier, France, October 27th – November 5th 2006 and to Traces …

“Kouneitra 74” – Screenings

Mohamad Malas film’s “Koneytra 74”, “De la Syrie” Retrospective Cinéma du réel 2006, is programmed to the Austrian Film Museum, Vienna, Austria, on October 10th and 22nd 2007.