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Ghost town

Nicolas Peduzzi

Ghost Town is a wandering through the fantomatic town of Houston, a conservative, psychedelic and complex city where the populations live in parallel universes, divided by invisible frontiers. The looming threat of a hurricane gives a feeling of doom to the place and blurs the geographical landmarks. We follow four characters, all as chaotic as electrifying. Will swapped drugs for religion. Nate, a small-time dealer, tries to find meaning to his life and forget an old heartbreak that destroyed him. Bloodbath, an androgynous, afro-american rapper, lost twenty of her friends. she tries to escape the gang wars and death through music. David, ex-billionaire “gangster”, ruined and self-destructive sees his life and family falling apart and slipping away. Drawing the portrait of the town of Houston, their paths tangle as the hurricane looms.

Nicolas Peduzzi

Nicolas Peduzzi is a French actor and director, born in 1985 in Paris. After few appearances for the cinema as an actor, especially in Luc Bondy’s film False Confidences, Nicolas Peduzzi directs the documentary feature Southern Belle, released in France in 2018. The film won the FID Marseille’s 2017 Grand Price and is part of the Best of doc selection for the 2019 month of documentary.

Status :
In Production
Completion :
October 2020
Screening version length :
75 min
Expected final length :
100 min
Production :
GoGoGo Films (Carine Rusznieswki)
Production contact :
Funds :
Bourse Micro Climat

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