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Matinale : Spectateurs-prescripteurs

120 min

Wednesday March 18, 10:30am – 1pm, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles

Spectator-prescriber: what place does the spectator have in the logic of cinema programming?

While a critical question for professionals involves new ways of attracting audiences for auteur cinema, an increasing number of film theatres are working with a specific figure on the cinematographic landscape: the spectator-prescriber. In this age of social networking, and given the crisis in the decision-making of traditional media, the spectator-prescriber has to be taken on board in a peer-to-peer relationship. This type of spectator would recommend films or be the one in charge of programmes, via a film-lovers’ association to which he belongs (e.g., groups attached to film theatres, associations of the Documentaire sur grand écran’s 7th Réseau, Acid’s Young Ambassador’s network, etc.). Other digital initiatives have sought to create communities that, on request, can programme films in their local cinemas…How can exhibitors integrate these initiatives? On what conditions and in what context can they open the doors of their theatre? How can this approach become part of an editorial line? And what happens when civil society wants to take over a programme, for better or worse?Book here :

In partnership with L’Acid et Documentaire sur Grand EcranModerated by : Marianne Khalili Roméo (movie programmer)Speakers : Laurence Conan (in charge of development Documentaire sur Grand Ecran), Juliette Grimont (programmer Gyptis ; La Baleine à Marseille), Salim Hamzaoui (member of the network the Young Ambassadors), Anne Huet (director Ciné 104 à Pantin), Karin Ramette (in charge of public relations l’Acid)