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La Suisse s’interroge

Henry Brandt

A key element in the Swiss national exhibition of 1964, Brandt’s La Suisse s’interroge can be described as an ambulatory installation presenting a series of films within the exhibition’s central sector, La voie suisse. The experience left its mark on visitors, who found their convictions sorely challenged by the Neuchâtel-based filmmaker’s critical view of Switzerland. His intention was actually grounded on a paradox: arouse a national sentiment while also shaking up a people lulled to sleep by comfort. 

Henry Brandt

Né à la Chaux-de-Fonds. L’un des pionniers du nouveau cinéma suisse-romand. Professeur de français puis cinéaste, il débute des films ethnographiques. Il a réalisé, entre autres : Les Nomades du soleil, 1953 – Quand nous étions petits enfants, 1961 – La chance des autres, 1962 – La Suisse s’interroge, 1964 – Voyage chez les vivants, 1969 – Terre à vendre, 1973 – Le dernier printemps, 1977 – Euxodie, 1977

The restorer: By digitally restoring films, the Cinémathèque suisse aims to open up access not only to the films’ textual content but also their nature. For this reason, it upholds the code of ethics of the FIAF ( the International Federation of Film Archives) and strives to respect the truest possible original viewing experience of the works it digitalises, while refraining from enhancing or modifying them.

Restorer :
Cinémathèque Suisse

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