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Les Infortunes de la vertu

Anne Villacèque
1998 France 55 minutes French

“‘Les infortunes de la vertu’ is a film neither about university nor about student life, it is even less about philosophy. An anecdotal plot, that is both highly abstract and extremely limited, shows six students exploring the rather classical dissertation subject ‘Can virtue be taught?’. In choosing this theme, I was attempting to catch the audience out (after all, what could be more off-putting than a documentary about virtue?) and to shift their point of view concerning subjects that are intangible or generally thought to be unsuited to film – studying thinking and texts at twenty years old, the desire to master language and confront one’s opinion with the teacher’s… Through the prism of the dissertation, I wanted to relate the transition from adolescence to adulthood”. (Anne Villacèque)

Production :
Quark Productions; Sept Arte
Distribution :
Quark Productions
Editing :
Anne Riegel
Sound :
Stéphane Bauer
Photography :
Pierre Milon

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