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Les Sept marins de l’Odessa

The Seven Sailors of the Odessa
Bruno Oliviero
Leonardo Di Costanzo
2006 France; Italy 65 minutes Italian; Ukrainian

For five years, the Odessa’s Ukranian captain and seven seamen have been blocked in the port of Naples. The owner, a Soviet-era state enterprise, had gone bankrupt. The crew has lived though cold and hunger thanks to the solidarity from the port’s people or from their families, and has untiringly maintained the vessel in the hope that a buyer would pay their salaries. Yet, history seems to have moved on and condemned this handful of sailors to become the ghosts of another age. Finally, the Napolitan court rules on the sale: the buyer is none other than the “private” version of the former bosses. The Odessa’s men are to be replaced and the ship is to return home.

Production :
Arte France; Indigo Productions
Distribution :
Point du Jour International; Point du Jour
Editing :
Catherine Zins; Aurélie Ricard
Sound :
Marcello Sannino; Emmanuele Cecere
Photography :
Leonardo Di Costanzo; Bruno Oliviero

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