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Détour, suivi de Jovan From Foula

Pierre Creton
Vincent Barré
2009 France 30 min

“It was on Foula, the furthest island from the main island [Shetland Isles], that we ran into Jovan. Or rather he ran into us, coming off the ferry late in the day. The mist was thick and we looked worn-out. He took us under his wing and offered to show us around the island the following day. There is a long sequence shot of the passing scenery, taken from inside his car. Driving along the only road, Jovan pointed out to Vincent the island’s disarray: abandoned cars and tractors, heaps of rusting scrap metal. Then  on another island, Papa Stour, with a view of Foula, we filmed what was to become the first part of the film.” P. C. (Cultiver, habiter, filmer, conversations de Pierre Creton avec Cyril Neyrat, éditions Independencia, 2010)

Production, photography, sound, editing :
Pierre Creton, Vincent Barré

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